Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wanted: nightjar survey help

From Jaywatch e-newsletter- Jay Notes, May 26, 2009:

Wanted: nightjar survey help

Here is another volunteer bird survey opportunity if you can't get enough in the short Jay Watch survey period. We always see and hear Common Nighthawks during at least some of the Jay Watch surveys, but we start late enough in the day (though some of you will insist none of starts are late) to miss hearing Chuck-will's Widow calls. Those are two of the species of concern for the U.S. Nightjar Surveys (the third is Whip-poor-will, which have moved north of here by now).
The U.S. Nightjar Surveys began in southeastern states, including Florida, in 2007 because of concern that nightjar numbers may be declining. The annual survey period starts next Sunday, May 31st in Florida and is a passive listening survey along portions of Breeding Bird Survey routes. If you would like to help or to learn more, check out the US Nightjar Survey Network.

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