Monday, December 29, 2008

Citizen Science Symposium, March 2009

Greetings Citizen Science Organizers and Supporters,

As an avid supporter of Citizen Science in general, and those projects that touch the lives of Tampa Bay residents in particular, Camp Bayou has been promoting various projects over the years through its monthly Citizen Science in Action sessions, as part of our yearly Florida Master Naturalist Modules, and with school and youth groups whenever possible.

This year, we plan to present a Citizen Science Symposium 9am-2pm on Friday and Saturday, March 20-21, 2009. The Friday programs will be contingent on grant funding (update: grant funding has been approved- Wooo-hoo!!) but if approved will be comprised of sessions that give a background on a particular cit sci project as well as some of the scientific conclusions that have been drawn from the program to date. We will promote this day's activities through the schools and homeschool groups.

The Saturday program will occur whether funding is approved or not. It will consist of hourly hands-on segments that will provide an opportunity to participate in a sample session to help determine if this activity is right for them in terms of time required, skills needed and interest level.

Both days will have displays set up outside to promote and recruit volunteers for various local as well as nationwide programs.

I would like to invite everyone who coordinates a citizen science program, or who just avidly participates in one, to join us on one or both days to help promote your particular project. This event also coincides with the "Year of Science 2009".

If you are interested in participating in this event, please send an email to Dolly at , subject cit sci event. Please include the following:
Name: _______________________________________________________
Organization: ___________________________________________________
Cit Sci Org (if different than above):__________________________________
Email __________________________________________________________
Website (if applicable) _____________________________________________

Please indicate as applicable:
Days you plan to participate Fri, March 20 Sat, March 21
I will bring a display. no yes
I am willing to present data. no yes
I have a powerpoint presentation. no yes
Will you need more space than a 6-foot table?
no yes (please indicate space needed)______________________________

The preferred method of contact is email. Those who respond by January 31, 2009 will be included in press releases, flyers and other marketing pieces. Tables and chairs cannot be guaranteed for those responding after January 31. There is no monetary cost to participate, just a commitment of time. If you have any questions, please contact me at

If your favorite cit sci program is not already listed on our cit sci blog at , please let me know and I will add it. For more on Science in Tampa Bay with links to the Year of Science, visit

Thank you all and best wished for a Happy New Year!

Dolly Cummings

"I do not understand how any one can live without some small place of enchantment to turn to." Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings (Cross Creek)

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