Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Great World Wide Star Count


Greetings, Star Counters!

It's almost here -- *The Great World Wide Star Count* starts this Friday, October 29th and runs through November 12th. This Windows to the Universe program is an international citizen-science event that encourages everyone, astronomers and non-astronomers alike, to measure their local light pollution and report their observations online.

The Great World Wide Star Count is designed to raise awareness about light pollution as well as encourage learning in astronomy. *No prior experience is necessary.* All background information needed to participate is on the Star Count Web site (, along with a downloadable activity guide with the step-by-step instructions (, now available in 10 languages.

All observations will be available online via Google Earth and as downloadable datasets.

Since 2007, people from 64 countries have contributed more than 10,000 observations to Star Count. Please help us spread the word to your families, friends, club members, and especially any teachers or students that you know!

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